Microgreens are young, tender greens that are used to enhance the color, texture, or flavor of salads, soups, and main dishes, as well as being mixed in smoothies or eaten on their own. Microgreens are rich in vitamins, minerals, and phytochemicals, including carotenoids, and phenolic compounds, which act as antioxidants in the human body. Studies have shown that microgreens have anti-inflammatory, anti-cancer, anti-bacterial, and anti-hyperglycemia properties, making it a new functional food beneficial to human health.
We all know chronic diseases are a major health problem in the United States. Studies suggest that consumption of vegetables (fresh vitamins and minerals) can significantly reduce the risk of many chronic diseases. The average intake of vegetables is far below the recommended levels and many times the vegetables eaten are nutritionally void after long distance travel or preserving. Microgreens are young vegetable greens. They are small and have delicate textures, distinctive flavors, and various jam packed nutrients. In general, microgreens contain greater amounts of nutrients and health-promoting micronutrients than their mature counterparts. Because microgreens are so rich in nutrients, smaller amounts provide similar nutritional effects compared to larger quantities of mature vegetables.
There are a few easy ways to start eating microgreens: